Postal Stamps, Labels, Envelopes, Postcards, and whatever else that can give us an excellent opportunity to examine the conflict through contemporary items in the participant's daily lives. I am not a partisan of either side of the conflict, but just a curious neophyte.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Had to be an Easier Way

I have had this cover for some time and I when I picked it up it was because I was intrigued by the ingenuity of the sender's placement of the postage.

1 X 5cts (#681) = 5cts
5 X 10cts (#664) = 50cts
1 X 15cts (#683 Slate Grey) =15cts
2 X 15cts (#683b Blue Green) =30cts

For a total of 1pta which covers the letter rate for countries not in postal union 50cts plus 50cts for Certificado.

According to Álvaro Martínez Pinna in his Manual De Las Emisiones De Los Sellos De España 1931-1939 gives an identification of this postmark as 3.2 Estafetas Urbanas Certificado cancel I.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Film Review Lobos Sucios (Dirty Wolves)

An interesting and very well done film, Dirty Wolves gives us a look at post-war Francoist Spain during WWII.
Directed by Simón Casal and written by Carmen Abarca and Silvia Balanza (collaborator). I didn’t realize that two women wrote the film, but now that I watched it twice it does an excellent job of writing women. The film is beautifully shot and tells the story of two sisters whom are willingly in the case of Candela, played by Manuela Vellés and unwillingly in the case of the older sister Manuela, played by Marian Álvarez, to resist the Franco regime and the Germans.
The film centers on the importance of Wolfram, or Tungsten, to the German war effort. Wolfram is used for alloys and hard metals, which are used to produce armaments such as armor piercing shells. As well as the effort of the local population, prisoner miners, and resistance fighters to disrupt the trade as well as earn enough pesetas to live.

During the war the Germans for their part in helping Franco received very significant and vital wolfram at a severe discount.  The film is set in Galicia and is based on the El Eje prison mine in Ourense that the Germans operated from November 1942 to July 1944.  There were 461 prisoner miners plus villagers that worked in the mine. As the war turned against the Germans the Spanish retook control of their Wolfram and ceased sending it to Germany.

Dirty Wolves is a play on words, dirty referring to those who worked in mines and is a vehicle for a folk tale about wolves that were living in a Yew forest. Manuela sees visions of wolves and owls that foresee events, usually death.  The German mine manager Franz who takes a liking to Manuela is also very superstitious.

Manuela, her sister and mother helped hide Jewish women whom escaped from France.  A local resistance fighter lends Candela his car and she drives the women to the river that borders Portugal.

Manuela and Fritz hit it-with the scene being transposed in to the Yew forest, and Candela hooks up with Edgar the son of the real mine owner whom is parachuted in by the Brits to help sabotage the mine.

There is much tragedy in the movie but there is a happy ending. I don’t want to give too much away but I found the movie engaging and so beautiful, I think the characters are well written and I enjoyed them. All in all a really well done move-it didn’t get great reviews but I liked it.

The movie is also based on the Touza sisters from Ribadavia who helped more than 400 Jewish escapees to make it to Portugal.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

A mystery Found a Mystery Solved

Paging through Ebay on my phone one morning I thought I would look for postcards of the transition period that would be interesting as I research uses of the old and new Republic stamps. I don’t know why I looked further at this card but I am glad I did. The Barcelona post card shows an incredible view of the Passeig de Gràcia vers la mar in Catalan and Passeo de Gràcia hacia el mar. Gràcia is a district in Barcelona. Nice but not great.
Flipping the card over it is franked with a 15c. #683 Spanish feminist and writer Concepción Arenal and address to a Phebe (Phoebe) Stoddard living at 76 Midland Ave, East Orange, NJ. OK, still not special? How about the message written to her:

Feb. 18.

Dear Phebe

Hope that all goes well with you-and that the operation wasn’t necessary. As for me-am studying hard-I can understand quite a lot of the language by now. Both of us are well. L met me in Havre-spent 3 days in Paris and (?). Feeling well and getting around a bit. Best A.

OK, not too special. What caught my eye was the purple box stamp to the left of the postage stamp. It is somewhat faint but I could see C.N.T/ F.A.I and Durutti and my eyes bugged out. I knew what the organization was and the name Durutti is very notable.
José Buenaventura Durruti Dumange (14 July 1896 – 20 November 1936) was the Spanish anarchist commander who died during the siege of Madrid. The anarcho-syndicalist trade union Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) merged with the Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI), forming the CNT-FAI. I will write more on both another time.

The Via Laietana was completed in 1926. During Durruti’s funeral procession supporters covered up the Via Laietana sign plates with the name Via Durruti, and until Barcelona fell to Franco it would remain so reverting back to Via Laietana after the fall. Via Durruti 32-34 indicated in the stamp was the address of the C.N.T-F.A.I and is now the home of other trade unions.

The top of the box states Service De Presse, there is another very similar one that dates before the renaming of the via.

Who was Phoebe Stoddard? I wasn’t able to find too much but the L.D.S genealogy database of the 1930 and 1940 Census for East Orange has a Phoebe Stoddard. In the 1930 census Phoebe is living with her parents Warren J and Ellen and her four younger brothers, she is 33 and single. In the 1940 Census she is 42 and lives with her parents and one brother. This is the same Phoebe the card was written to as the address on both censuses is Midland Ave.

Here is the home that Phoebe lived in when the card arrived-for about $200K it could have been yours.
I couldn’t find a connection between Phoebe and the C.N.T-F.A.I, nor any Stoddard. Makes me wonder if the use of initials was to prevent their being known? Or was there nothing to it or did he to possibly save space? Was it even a he? My hypothesis is that A was an American writer for one of the publications of the C.N.T-F.A.I as Service de Presse would indicate.

This goes to show that being educated as what to look for pays off as it did here.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

¡Viva la República!

At the end of the Spanish monarchy, or perhaps just a long pause? Supporters of the new republic showed their support when they affixed postage to envelopes. One I will look at today and it is one I haven't run across before, the placing of the recently República Española overprinted Alfonso XIII stamp horizontal so that the overprint is read right side up.
The below cover is postmarked December 23, 1931 from Puerto De La Cruz (Las Palmas)
to Arendel, Norway, with back stamp of  January 2, 1932 for its arrival in Arendel. Franked with
one 40c. (#600) which paid the  Non Postal Union Letter rate .40c. for  up to 20gr.
I tried to find any information on the receiver but  it no luck.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Devil is in the Details

This cover looks like a somewhat typical civil war period Republican cover franked with five 50c Matrona blue #753 and a 25c  #749G postmarked from Madrid on March 22, 1939 to Sete France. 

Though it has interesting franking with the attractive Matronas it is the postmark date and the city of origin that really caught my eye. It is that March 22, 1939 was less than a week from the fall of Madrid to Francoist forces on March 28th, 1939. Yes, less than a week. 

The Republicans attempted to negotiate a surrender of Madrid but Franco insisted on an unconditional surrender. On March the 26th, Nationalist were ordered to advance in to Madrid and on the 27th  Republican front collapsed, on the 28th Madrid fell to the Nationalists and then on April 1st, 1939 Franco declared the end of the war. The backstop indicates it arrived in Sete on March 31st, 1939. It is conceivable that the letter was delivered to the receiver on April 1st.

What happened to the sender after the fall? Was the receiver a refugee? Still looking for a cover post marked on the first day and the last day of the war.

Saturday, March 2, 2019


When we hear the word Margarita we think of the delicious drink of the same name or the song Margaritaville that once in your head is almost impossible to get out. No today we are going to look at the Carlist women’s group the Margaritas. I haven’t reviewed what is Carlismo yet but it will be the subject of an eventual post. In a nutshell Carlists are those Spaniards that wanted to place the Bourbon Don Carlos, Count of Molina (1788-1855) on the throne of Spain. Herein lies the issue-a Bourbon dynasty already sat on the throne, the Alfonsine line.
The Margaritas were a Carlist women’s organization named after the wife of Carlos, Duke of Madrid (Carlos VII 1868-1909), Margarita of Bourbon-Parma born April 28th, 1867 and passing on April 28th, 1894 without having children. Margarita served as a nurse during the Second Carlist War. Yes, wars were actually fought over this.
Don’t worry there are still this line’s claimants to the Spanish throne and to make it more confusing there are competing Bourbon lines apart from the current Spanish King.
Founded in 1919 for the purpose of aiding poor Carlist families. The organization during the Second Republic acted as evangelical Carlists with the aim of rallying supports to the cause.  They did this by meetings in homes, hosting musical evenings, and conducting religious acts. The white beret (see above in the banner for the male red beret of the Carlists) wearing Margaritas served, most often, as war nurses during the war but they also brought supplies-food and clothing to their Carlist militia (Requetés) men at the front. At home they conducted traditional tasks such as knitting and household and farm tasks. The Margaritas in their ordinance (above) described the ideal Margarita as “an example of Spanish woman, intrepid defender of the Christian family, vigilant guardian of the traditions of the patris’, the defenders of the faith on the home front."

The male Requetés are well represented in political labels and covers. When this cover came up on the Bay for a reasonable opening bid-I jumped. Apparently only I did as I was the only bidder. I suspect those that looked at it didn't bother checking out the second image-that of the back of the cover.
The letter was mailed on February 26, 1937 from  the northern Spanish city of Victoria which is the capital city of the Basque Autonomous Community and of the province of Araba (Basque)/Álava (Spanish).  The letter is franked with a 30c Edifil #823 and a 10c blue Cruzada Contra del Frío Edifil #7, sealed with a Heller Salamanca censor tape #S 7 11 and addressed to a Jesuit in Salamanca.
The back of the cover is what drew me to it. Since I don't have the Allepuz volume of locals that cover Alava I can't give a number. However, it is an attractive rectangle in dark blue with Alava, Margaritas, Requetes, and 25 centimos label over the flap of the letter with a center featuring a shield with the normal Requetés cross in white instead of red and a daisy (Margarita) at the center.

A really interesting item and label that I haven't come across before or since.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Business Must Go On

I don’t have much to say about this post card that I picked up a while ago-except to say, that I am somewhat shocked that in the midst of a conflict with the Nationalists whom of course were supported by the Germans there would be correspondence between the Nazi German capital and Republican Barcelona.
I think this is an inter library loan card mailed on March 25th, 1937 from Berlin (Bibliothek Der Sternwarte Berlin-Babelsberg) to the Academic Library of Science and Arts in Barcelona. The bibliothek was the Berlin Observatory’s library.

A Most Unusual Cover

I was going to continue writing on the Second Republic transition and República Española overprints period, but I picked up this “cover” recently and it may be one of the most unusual items I have run across. It is a small envelope, not unlike those we use at some parks where you place the parking fee in it and deposit in a park ranger slot.
The small envelope was used to for doses of cowpox anti-serum. The envelope’s return address was Laboratorio SERAS, Oriente, 7-Sevilla. It is indicated the cost of two doses of anti-cowpox vaccination was 3 ptas with stamps included. The front has a date stamp of 9 Feb, 1937
On the reverse are two stamps-one a bisected 30c Edifil #823 (can’t tell if is a variety) and a 5c. Edifil #816Aa sepia with 10mm imprint. Both stamps are overprinted with a hand stamp 9, Feb1937. I am not sure if this was sent through the post thought I doubt it as there is no regulation postal mark.
What do we know about Laboratorio SERAS. This lab was an important lab for producing rabies, and cowpox for example. The lab was founded by Dr. Antonio de Seras y González, a native of Huelva, was trained at the Pasteur Institute in Paris.  Following his training he moved to Sevilla where he eventually took over the Provincial Institute of Hygiene in 1896. During the war the he was persecuted for being a Mason,

“The case of Antonio de Seras, doctor, veterinarian and Sevillian mason, is very illustrative. His son, of the same name, remembers how his father was saved from being shot "because Queipo de Llano was a close friend of the family". Even so, like many, he had to live in the interior exile of the outlaw: "They took away the presidency of the College of Veterinarians and I remember how I went with him to the police station, where he had to show up every week because he was forbidden to leave Seville," he recalls. Antonio "My father died when I was a student, and he was always very reserved to talk about these things but I remember that when my mother and he celebrated their silver wedding they could not repeat their honeymoon because they did not give him a passport; that hurt him a lot and he never forgot ", he concludes. The price of being different in a Spain painted with blood and a single stroke law.”

An ad from ABC Sevilla April 24, 1937
The Laboratorio I believe still exists

Thursday, February 14, 2019

An Interim Cover

The Second Spanish Republic was declared on April 14, 1931 however the first stamps issued by the new republic didn’t begin to be issued until May 23rd, which left about a five-week period when the previous regime’s stamps were utilized.
As I indicated in my previous post I enjoy the Second Republic overprints on the last Alfonso XIII definitive issue, the Vaquer type. In fact, I believe the Vaquer issue is one of the most attractive issued by Spain or elsewhere.
Franked with one 5c. (Edifil #491) and two 50c. (Edifil #498) this registered/certified cover night section postmark dated May 18th falls within the transition period.  The rear is sealed with a Casa De Galvez wax seal.

40c for letter rate to country not part of the Spanish Postal Union
25c for extra 20 grams
40c. for certified mail
for a total 1.05 pesetas

The legendary and very important philatelic businessman Miguel Gálvez sent this cover to Swiss philatelic publisher Zumstein in Bern. There is a cover in Tomo 1 of Edifi’s Red Series on page 295 from the same M. Galvez. During the war he and his wife fled to Belgium to start a branch of their company that lasted until the 1950s.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

A love Affair, or Sorts

I am drawn to the Second Republic's República Española overprinted Alfonso XIII definitive series. They are a good look at the transition from monarchy to Republic played out via stamps. Interesting enough but the covers are pretty reasonable and somewhat plentiful. I will be posting them from time to time.

This registered and certified cover dated 12/3/1931 from oil exporter “Laesa” in Barcelona to Paris is franked with 5 República Española overprinted Alfonso XIII Vaquer definitives.

Two 5c. (Edifil #544), two 15c. (Edifil #596), and one 40c. (Edifil #600). The total franking is 80c. This franking covers the initial rate for business papers up to 250p in value and 50grams of weight (10c.), the 30c. registration fee for value up to 300 gold francs, and 40c. for international medical/samples and/or papers up to 20grams which includes the cost of certification.

The reverse as you can see has 5 wax seals with the impression "Laesa" with a DuPont oval hand stamp.  I assume, safely, of a relationship between the two. Functio laesa is a term used in medicine to refer to a loss of function which I assume improving said function loss is the purpose of Laesa products.

The receiver was the Société Anonyme de Vilbis. This is a limited liability firm that I believe is connected to or with the DeVilbiss Corporation which has its roots beginning in 1888 in Toledo, OH. Dr. Allen DeVilbiss developed a spray atomizer which made spraying medicines to patients throats much easier. Which probably utilized some sort of oil or oils.
Here is an image from an invoice from the war from Laesa (borrowed from Google).

Friday, January 11, 2019

Francisco Ferrer

Yes, I know I haven’t posted in several weeks. I haven’t felt like writing. No Surprise when you spend 8 hours a day in front of a computer screen, of course that doesn’t mean the pick-ups have slowed down. Recently, I thought about how to branch out in an interesting manner since SPCW items are not always easy to find that meet my needs. I am some what fascinated by Alfonso XIII, the last Spanish king, and I was trolling the online auction house that starts with an E and came across a unused post card for the whopping price of $3 free shipping. Sold, so what was the post card that tweaked my interest? Well I could have done some research before I purchased but for $3 it was worth picking up then figuring out what the subject is.

Francisco Ferrer, you may have asked yourself from time to time who was Francisco Ferrer? Probably not, but he was a big thing in the first decade of the 20th century among the radical clique. Wiki tells us a lot about him. He was born on January 10, 1859 on a farm near Barcelona. Though his parents were very dedicated Catholics he became an anti-clerical radical free thinker and rejected his parents religion. He was active in radical actions and supporting the Republican movement, which in 1885 led him to take part in a failed Republican uprising, which forced him in to exile in France for 16 years. He then began to explore anarchism, which led him to open a libertarian school when he returned to Spain in 1901. This school was the Escuela Moderna in Barcelona.
The Escuela Moderna’s curriculum was an alternative to the religious schools, which had a monopoly on education. The school taught new scientific, historical, and sociological content not offered elsewhere. In 1901 when the school opened there were more than 30 students and when the Spanish government closed the school in 1906 there were more than 126. The school charged based on parent’s ability to pay, and the school-rejected rewards and punishments-no grades no exams and students planned their own work and there was no attendance tracked.

I am not going much into his politics but it will suffice to say that he received no break from the policeria and his home was often raided and he was generally hassled.  He was a threat to the government, the church, and the military-the trifecta.

In 1906 there was an assassination attempt on Alfonso XIII but the actual waanabee assassin was an anarchist that had worked at the school. As a result he was in prison until 1907 when international pressure forced his release.  Fast forward to August 1909 when he was rearrested for “participation” in the “Tragic Week “ uprising Barcelona.

Unfortunately, Francisco would be executed on October 13, 1909, as a result supposedly his last words before the firing squad killed him was "Aim well, my friends. You are not responsible. I am innocent. Long live the Modern School!"

OK, now we are getting there-but it wouldn’t make any sense to explain the postcard without the background.

The postcard is brown and portrays a Spanish priest and a Spanish officer marching over two bodies one of which is Liberty. At the top is says “The Masters of Spain Sabre et Goupillon Dios, Patria, y Rey (Early Spanglish). I translated Goupillon and it means bottlebrush in French-perhaps a reference to the mustache.

At the bottom is says “Liberty Under Foot in Spain by Church and State” with various military and church items.
At the bottom it has “Published by Francisco Ferrer Ass’n 242 5th Ave, New York” (Google Earth gives us the address as it is now) and the reverse is standard and has no relevant text.

So I searched for this association. The association was founded in NY in 1910 as a reaction to his execution the year before. The association was founded by anarchists and was headquartered at the Ferrer Center and it also contained a school. In 1914 the school, or as then known as the Ferrer Colony, moved to Stelton, NJ.

Had to be an Easier Way

I have had this cover for some time and I when I picked it up it was because I was intrigued by the ingenuity of the sender's placemen...